
Educational institution cafeterias will be leased through an electronic auction.

The lessees will attach copies of documents confirming their compliance with the requirements.

Image of 'Educational institution cafeterias will be leased through an electronic auction.'

The Cabinet of Ministers' decision of January 11 on "Introducing amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' decree of May 2, 2016, No. 132 regarding the improvement of the organization of healthy nutrition in general secondary and secondary special, vocational education institutions due to the perfection of the procedure of leasing state property" was adopted.

The document was adopted with the aim of organizing healthy nutrition in general secondary and secondary special, vocational education institutions based on the principles of transparency and clarity and creating a competitive environment for business entities.

According to the amendments, the canteens of general secondary and secondary special, vocational education institutions will be leased on the basis of a contest held in the E-auksion system.

Potential lessees meeting the following requirements can participate in the contest:

  • registered for entrepreneurial activity by the state;
  • has been operating in the field of general nutrition for at least 6 months;
  • possesses special equipment for canteen operations;
  • does not have debt obligations regarding lease and tax payments according to contracts and court documents.

The lessee should attach copies of documents and relevant information confirming compliance with these requirements to their application. A lease agreement with the winner of the contest is concluded for the duration of the current academic year.

A lessee who fulfills their obligations timely and fully can have their contract extended for the subsequent academic years. The document was published in the National database of legal documents and came into force on January 13.

Educational institutions can organize canteen activities with their extrabudgetary funds, physical and legal entities' charitable donations, payments for nutrition, and other sources not prohibited by law.

The payments for gas, water, and electricity consumed in the preparation and storage of food products and meals in the canteen of an educational institution are covered by the canteen funds according to separate meter readings.

The management of the educational institution approves the payment to canteen employees, the cost of food products and raw materials used for preparing meals, utility payments, and the pricing of meals considering profitability.

Authorized bodies conduct a monitoring of the organization of healthy eating in educational institutions through surveys among students and their parents. The results of the monitoring are discussed at quarterly meetings held by the heads of the authorized bodies and in the pedagogical councils of educational institutions.

The Sanitary-Epidemiological Wellbeing and Public Health Committee under the Ministry of Health and its regional branches conduct control measures for the sold food products and meals, compliance with sanitary rules, norms and hygiene regulations, and anti-epidemic measures in the canteens of educational institutions.

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