
The power of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan will be further enhanced.

Taking into account the complex global processes occurring in the world, the country has aimed to further enhance its defense capabilities and military potential.

Image of 'The power of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan will be further enhanced.'

Taking into account the complex global processes occurring in the world, the aim has been to further increase the power of the Armed Forces, Uzbekistan's defense capability, and military potential. This is envisioned in the state program project for 2025, which has been put up for public discussion as planned.

Accordingly, the purchase of goods (works, services) planned for 2025 will be carried out in relation to the execution of the “comprehensive program for equipping the units of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan with modern weapons and military equipment, special technology, other necessary equipment and means, repairing existing equipment and its modernization” during 2022—2026.

Within the framework of the budget funds allocated annually to the Ministry of Defense, it is planned to gradually provide the divisions of the Ministry of Defense with necessary topogeodesic and geoinformation software tools and special equipment between 2025—2026. The knowledge and skills of field specialists in modern geoinformation and topogeodesic provision will be enhanced.

Creating and updating electronic maps with the help of remote sensing of the Earth (space images) is planned.

In general education institutions, it has been determined to continuously improve the basic preparation subject before conscription in terms of teaching methodology and program, to further support the activities of subject teachers, and also to provide material and technical support step by step in the prescribed manner.

According to the project, the creation and launching of a Unified personnel information electronic platform will be carried out within the system of the Ministry of Defense (central apparatus, military districts, associations, unions, military units and institutions).

Prospective commanders and leaders will be gradually trained and their qualifications improved in local (State Administration Academy under the President, University of World Economy and Diplomacy's Diplomatic Academy, Higher School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting, and others) and foreign educational and scientific-research institutions.

The provision of military hospitals of the Ministry of Defense with modern CT scans, MRIs, and Echocardiograms (with the VEM system) according to the established procedure will continue. The Ministry's military hospitals will be gradually provided with six reanimobiles. Depending on the need, the ministry's troops will be gradually equipped with sanitary vehicles.

Shows and short clips about the lives and heroic deeds of the sons who died heroically in the defense of the homeland are planned to be prepared and demonstrated.

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